In the late 90s Hollywood film industry launched a film that would change us, many of us, perception of the world and life. The Matrix movie suggest to our brains the idea that everything we experience is actually a software virtual induce our brain all the sensations that make us perceive life supposedly real. The film had great success and for that launch, publicly, a little known theory at the time. It's about a theory that everything interpret us as existence is actually an illusion generated by the tiny amount of matter in the universe.
In about 200 years ago the scientific world started a race in which we are
trapped today. Search elementary particle defined as the "God
particle" began the atom. The existing technology at that time did not
allow "penetration" secrets of the atom. It is one of the reasons why
scientists have accepted that the atom is elementary particle in the universe
is made. Technological developments shattered the positioning of scientists. In
the same vein then followed a nucleus, neutrons, neutrinos, Higgs boson and
perhaps of this race will not end ever.
Turning their efforts to identify the tiny elementary particles, scientists
have completely neglected huge majority component identified in the structure
of matter: the void. However many of them have tried to discover who are the
forces that hold electrons on those trajectories or are forces that hold atoms
bonded under various forms of matter that we can see everywhere in our daily
There was thus string theory that everything in the universe is governed by
a multitude of vibration frequencies and that what we perceive as matter is
really a confluence of frequencies.
Lately it is becoming increasingly widespread theory that states that
everything around us, including the universe, is nothing more than a huge
A team of physicists claims even he found evidence to support this
hypothesis. Physicists at Southampton University say they have found evidence
that the universe is a three-dimensional illusion of a two-dimensional
Following research by scientists from Southampton University, UK, says that
the universe is a "hologram vast and complex" and our perception of
life in three dimensions may be just an illusion, as reports the Daily Mail.
The team investigated irregularities left after the Big Bang. They argue
that there is so much evidence for this theory as there is for the other trying
to explain the irregularities.
A holographic universe is one in which all the information in our three dimensional reality is contained in a 2D plane.
A holographic universe is one in which all the information in our three dimensional reality is contained in a 2D plane.
So far, this theory has been very little bizarre tested, but recent
mathematical models suggest that could be true.
To test this theory, the team studied the features of white noise that has
remained since the creation of the universe. The equations showed that if the
universe were a hologram, the structure of these irregularities could have been
Kostas Skenderis from Southampton University physicist who led this
research reveals that "holography is a huge step forward in how we
structure and creation of the universe."
A similar theory issued and Japanese physicists from Ibaraki University.
"The universe is a hologram and everything you see - including this article and you are reading device - is just a projection," says the author of this article appeared in British tabloid website Daily Mail.
A similar theory issued and Japanese physicists from Ibaraki University.
"The universe is a hologram and everything you see - including this article and you are reading device - is just a projection," says the author of this article appeared in British tabloid website Daily Mail.
This conclusion is based on a controversial theoretical model, proposed in
1997 by physicist Juan Maldacena.
According to the theory mentioned gravity in the universe is caused by a
series of thin strings that vibrate. These strings are holograms of events that
occur in a universe simple, flat.Juan Maldacena advanced model suggests that the universe exists in nine dimensions of space at the same time.
Japanese researchers have addressed this theory, trying to provide
mathematical evidence showing that the holographic principle could be right.
Their study was published in the Nature magazine.
Holographic Principle suggests that, like security chip credit card, there is a two-dimensional surface that contains all the information necessary to describe a three-dimensional object - in this case, the universe known to earthlings.
Holographic Principle suggests that, like security chip credit card, there is a two-dimensional surface that contains all the information necessary to describe a three-dimensional object - in this case, the universe known to earthlings.
In essence, the principle maintains that data containing a description of a
volume of space - as a man or a comet etc. - It could be concealed in a region
that version of "real" and payment of the universe.
In a black hole, for example, all articles which fall into it may be
contained entirely within its surface fluctuations.
This means that the items are stored rather as "memories" or
pieces of data than as physical objects that really exist.
In a broader sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be
considered "a two-dimensional structure designed a foreseeable
cosmological" - or, in simpler terms, the universe in which people think I
live is actually a 3D projection of a Universe alternatively dimensional.
Professor Yoshifumi Hyakutake from Ibaraki University in Japan, has
calculated the internal energy of a black hole, trying to bring mathematical
proofs for the holographic principle.
The same Japanese professor explored the edges of black holes, as the effects of "virtual particles", a type of particle which scientists believe that coming in and out constantly and the known universe.
The same Japanese professor explored the edges of black holes, as the effects of "virtual particles", a type of particle which scientists believe that coming in and out constantly and the known universe.
In a separate analysis, Professor Hyakutake calculated the energy contained
in that alternate universe flat, devoid of gravity.

Surprisingly, theoretical calculations of this universe computer and on the
edges of black holes coincided, thus providing evidence
"overwhelming" about the dual nature of the universe.
Professor Juan Maldacena believes that these mathematical proofs that the
two worlds are actually identical gives researchers hope that the gravitational
properties of the universe known to earthlings can be explained in one day
using quantum theory.
And that, in science, any theory is short-lived if not occur fast enough, and devices to highlight and measure the phenomena of presumed underlying theory, have begun work to set up a device identification of the hologram.
And that, in science, any theory is short-lived if not occur fast enough, and devices to highlight and measure the phenomena of presumed underlying theory, have begun work to set up a device identification of the hologram.
Researchers particle physics laboratory Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois,
built a "holometer" to be able to look closer material contained
inside the space-time continuum.
Analyzed in detail, it takes on a texture pixels that motivates some scientists assume that the universe could be, in fact, two-dimensional. Following this suspicion, in recent years researchers have ventured in the footsteps pulsations space-temporal universe but instead of such gravitational waves, experiment German-British GEO600 in Hanover, dedicated to this research, it has detected a sort of strange noise.
Analyzed in detail, it takes on a texture pixels that motivates some scientists assume that the universe could be, in fact, two-dimensional. Following this suspicion, in recent years researchers have ventured in the footsteps pulsations space-temporal universe but instead of such gravitational waves, experiment German-British GEO600 in Hanover, dedicated to this research, it has detected a sort of strange noise.
Black holes (antimatter) constituting the galactic centers form a so-called
hologram that is accessed gravitational systems and cosmic bodies. These plays
hologram components known to us on Earth, but having developed multiple
bilateral relationship and conditionality. Magnetic and gravitational field
limit plans wheel (spin moves) particle, increasing the possibilities of
inter-polarity of their constantly, continuously, which represent clear trends
structuring, forming structures. Hence, to contradict all laws and
demonstrations so far, going as to declare that matter is illusion just like 3D
decompose signals, it's a long way. Many processes due to the existence of
fundamental universal network field (fifth force passive component) that has
over 99, 999% of the Universe, are found from micro to Macrocosmic by relaying
mechanism. Hologram known to us and the gravitational correctly intuited
Japanese manifests all the mentioned network. Mathematical models show truths,
but not complete, depending on what introduce the work and interpretation.
Certainly, we can not introduce all the parameters Universal. Phenomena of
"gravitational lens" that modify properties that reach the receiver
information and can create various phenomena.
Hearing about success Europeans, Professor Craig Hogan of Fermilab, who
predicted the noise before its detection in Germany, he came up with a possible
explanation for this. According to the scientist, experiment GEO600 had
discovered a limit fundamental spacetime - the point where space and time cease
to behave as harmonious described by Einstein and begin to dissolve into
"granules", just as the picture a newspaper fragmenting into points
when enlarged.
The Holometer is a deceptively simple device. It uses
a pair of laser interferometers placed close to one another, each sending a
one-kilowatt beam of light through a beam splitter and down two perpendicular
arms, 40 meters each. The light is then reflected back into the beam splitter
where the two beams recombine. If no motion has occurred, then the recombined
beam will be the same as the original beam. But if fluctuations in brightness
are observed, researchers will then analyze these fluctuations to see if the
splitter is moving in a certain way, being carried along on a jitter of space
According to Fermilab’s Aaron Chou, project manager of
the Holometer experiment, the collaboration looked to the work done to design
other, similar instruments, such as the one used in the Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) experiment. Chou said that once the
Holometer team realized that this technology could be used to study the quantum
fluctuation they were after, the work of other collaborations using laser
interferometers (including LIGO) was invaluable.
“No one has ever applied this technology in this way
before,” Chou said. “A small team, mostly students, built an instrument nearly
as sensitive as LIGO’s to look for something completely different.”
In other words, the signal detected by GEO600 is a source of noise go
unnoticed, but fails to see the gear quantum fluctuations of space-time fabric
itself. Therefore, Hogan believes the perceived noise is caused by a
holographic projection horizon from our universe. Because holographic universe
theory to be valid, cosmic information must be contained in the outermost
boundaries of the universe and our world to be projected in three-dimensional.
For this hypothesis to be proven, it is necessary the intervention of a kit for detecting gravitational waves - "The Holometer". Located momentarily in the assembly stage at Fermilab, this device will penetrate deep into this realm quantum size may be more subtle than a GEO600 experiment. If Hogan's idea is correct, The Holometer should detect noise in quantum space-time fabric, completely overturning our classic perception about the Universe.
For this hypothesis to be proven, it is necessary the intervention of a kit for detecting gravitational waves - "The Holometer". Located momentarily in the assembly stage at Fermilab, this device will penetrate deep into this realm quantum size may be more subtle than a GEO600 experiment. If Hogan's idea is correct, The Holometer should detect noise in quantum space-time fabric, completely overturning our classic perception about the Universe.
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