Monday, June 23, 2014


A mysterious endocrine gland associated with the seventh chakra is the pineal gland, also called the pineal gland. Epiphysis is located exactly in the center of the head. It has the form of a broad cone the size of a pea, weighs only 0.16 ounces and is situated at the gateway of the third and fourth cerebral ventricle, being bathed in cerebrospinal fluid.
The pineal gland has been the subject of considerable speculation since the Greeks and until recent years. In the mid-seventeenth century, Descartes believes that it is the seat of the soul of reason. Modern studies have shed light on the fact that it is to be involved in the body's circadian rhythm by cyclic and intermittent hormone secretion and melatonin. In some reptiles or amphibians, the epiphysis is a third receiver light located under the skin in humans and mammals while it provides information on outdoor light conditions through an existing neural connections in the upper cervical ganglion (in the neck). Of course it is not the only information that circulated.
The recent development of osteopathy CranioSacral established where different physical existence of floating in cerebrospinal fluid, rhythmic movements being created by the cranial vault including the cranial bones muscles and movements. Cranial Osteopaths are trained to feel the rhythmic expansions and contractions exert pressure on the skull and adjust rates if necessary. It is obvious that the pace of physical palpation and palpation of energy can be made very quickly by Osteopaths sufficiently sensitive. Thus, Dr. John Upledger, founder of an institute at Palm Beach in Florida, acting in this respect more than ten years. In France, Jean-Philippe Mathieu in Villeurbanne, Jean-Andre Gaunand Nancy, Jean-Yves Saint-Malo Noel and many others are able to redraw childhood trauma printed in tissue palpation starting from the skull and the energy. Gerard Sueur of Perigord, one of Osteopaths most talented of his generation paved the way to a global vision of man be well above the classical conception of the body. All these trains are literally hundreds of osteopaths in their footsteps.
Epiphysis or pineal gland is located in a vacuum channel, excellent resonance point for creating any vibrations or oscillations. Relationship that it maintains with both gland body rhythms and the cerebrospinal fluid allows us to assume that it could well be a transmitter and a vibration monitor or oscillator inside the body and providing a part of the general pattern of control physiological rhythms, especially the endocrine level.
If these waves act as sound waves or electromagnetic plasma, scaling or other variations rhythmic energy is, all these issues remain open to speculation. Energy resonances inherent shape of the molecule hormones melatonin could still provide some indications Melatonin has a shape and a unique structure for a molecule, totally different from any other hormone in the body. It is related to serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters. By extension we can think that given that adrenaline and anoradrenalina have similar structures and perform analogous roles in the autonomic nervous system and endocrine melatonin (hormone) and serotonin (the neurotransmitter) would express a neutral similarity. It is also likely that the internal resonances of the structure of melatonin can trigger a number of pineal functions of some patterns or oscillations atomic energy where yet undetected until now.
In his excellent work, John Davidson develops the hypothesis that the pineal gland may be a transmitter and receiver energy patterns that govern molecular and physiological rhythms is related to the endocrine system via neural mechanisms undiscovered energy. And because the rhythms, patterns and polarities are essential in any power system, the epiphysis may have a unique function particularly strong.
The presence of a multitude of other hormones within the pineal gland - the gland representative - for all the major endocrine glands and its role in administering body rhythms allow us to assume the event of molecular resonances within the epiphysis. If each molecule is a low harmonic vibration of higher energies, and the hormone is defined as the reflex of a particular energy function, the pineal gland would then resonate with higher energy from the chakras and they would distribute functions Cellular entire endocrine system. The epiphysis could be a channel patterns energetic rhythms are oscillations in matter through the skull in all bodily rhythms.
Of course, these rates can be determined by osteopath trained to perceive them (cranial palpation should not exert more pressure 0 five grams). And other rhythms can occur either electromagnetic, electrical, gravitational or any other form of energy which are not yet familiar. Pathways crossing the central nervous system being under midbrain (meet brain), epiphysis or pineal gland has a perfect position to fulfill the role of "radar" of the subtle energies that inchisteaza in matters to be further distributed in whole endocrine system .
From an energy point of view, it is likely that every endocrine gland to take on the vibration of the chakra and Tattva predominant associated vibration shaped by the various petals and influenced a lesser extent the other energies Tattva.
We include cerebral ventricles. They are partially overlapped arrangement of interconnected tissue filled with cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid which bathes and surrounds the pineal gland pineal gland and brain between the inside wall of the cranial and cerebral cortex. In general it is considered that he has a protective role, nutrition and support; and it would also be a means of removing metabolic waste. In addition, cerebrospinal fluid is similar to blood plasma, only it is less concentrated, with less potassium, calcium ion fewer and fewer proteins. Concentration very high in sodium, chloride and magnesium ions instead existence makes us believe that this fluid is invested with the function of pulse wave vibration bearing, which could well be patterns of energy in the form of neural hormones.
The seventh chakra, chakra mystics can be very good and chakra schizophrenics. Chakra is related to lighting. According to Ronald Laing, father of anti-psychiatry, mystics and schizophrenics are found in the same ocean (cerebrospinal fluid). But where the mystic swims, the schizophrenic is brought current. Mystic is able to retain and discern visions beyond life and enter the blissful state of Samadhi and the union, while schizophrenic do not realize what is happening. He is both here and there. This disorder of the seventh chakra is qualified mystical delirium, and chakra be regulated as endocrine gland to corresponding epiphysis or pineal gland. Perhaps Descartes was not far from the truth when he said in the eighteenth century that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul of reason. However, the rating that you give soul seems exaggerated.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Do you know Who can TASTE the SOUNDS ?

Tasting Words, Seeing Sounds, Hearing Colours And More                                
One fantastic reminder of the varieties of consciousness is the phenomena of synesthesia: the cross-wiring of the brain’s senses in a small proportion of the population.
Until recently, when experts explained that around 4% of people have the involuntary experience of, say, certain numbers evoking particular colours, they were met by disbelief.
Surely ‘synesthetes’ were making it up to feel special or perhaps unconsciously responding to the demands of the tests?
Now, of course, we know better: this cross-wiring of the brain’s senses is real and it’s experienced in all kinds of different ways.
Estimates place the number of varieties of synesthesia at between 50 and 150 but here are some of the most intriguing (that we know about).
As you read these, whether you’re a synesthete or not, marvel at how different our experience of the world is at a very basic level.
1. Lexical-gustatory synesthesia
One of the rarest forms of synesthesia, in which people have associations between words and tastes.
Experienced by less than 0.2% of the population, people with this may find conversations cause a flow of tastes across their tongue.
Not only can taste be involved, but so can temperature, texture and even the location on the tongue.
One synesthete who has been tested finds the word ‘jail’, for example, tastes of cold, hard bacon.
2. Mirror-touch synesthesia
Imagine you watch me reach up and touch my own chin, but that you experience a touch on your own chin.
This is mirror-touch synesthesia: when you feel the same sensation another person feels.
The prevalence for this type of synesthesia is relatively high at around 1.6%.
Even amongst non-synesthetes, around 30% of people have a sort of mild form of this in that they experience pain when they see someone else being hurt.
This may be a heightened version of at least part of the process involved in how we empathise with others.
3. Misophonia
While many forms of synesthesia are harmless and some consider it enhances their life, not all forms are beneficial.
Misophonia — literally “hatred of sound” — is a condition in which sounds trigger strong negative emotions like disgust and anger.
It’s extremely rare and may be caused by problematic connections between the auditory cortex and the limbic system.
Commonly reported amongst misophones are strong adverse feelings in response to the sounds of other people eating and breathing.
4. Personification
This is where ordered sequences, like numbers, days of the week or letters all have particular personalities, and even appearances.
Monday might be an angry kind of depressed young guy wearing a red shirt, while Tuesday might be an outgoing older woman who talks too much, and so on…
5. Number-form synesthesia
First documented by the polymath Sir Francis Galton more than a century ago, this is where numbers automatically appear in the mind as mental maps.
Here’s a representation of how it might be experienced:
Usually these maps are individual to the particular synesthete.
This type of synesthesia may result partly from the fact that the areas of the brain for processing numbers and that for spatial representations are relatively close to each other.
It’s thought that as much as 20% of the population may have number-form synesthesia or related experiences which mean that days, months or the alphabet takes on a spatial form in the mind.
(I don’t know how this fits with the figure of 4% experiencing synesthesia, but it probably depends on where you draw the line.)
6. Chromesthesia
Chromesthesia is sound-to-colour synesthesia, the kind which most intrigued the artist Wassily Kandinsky, and which many of his paintings attempt to evoke.
Here is one of his paintings, called “Yellow, Red and Blue”:
People with chromesthesia hear sounds and these automatically and unintentionally make them experience colours.
To someone who doesn’t experience this, it sounds weird or distracting, that you’d suddenly start seeing colours while listening to music, but to synesthetes who have grown up with this, it’s just their normal, everyday, experience.
It’s no more unsettling than having a particular song remind you of a place you used to live, perhaps less so.
The variety that’s been found even within this one type of synesthesia is mind-boggling.
Some of those with chromesthesia find the colours are projected into space in front of them; others see it in their ‘mind’s eye’.
Some only get the chromesthesia for spoken words, which are influenced by the voice’s accent, pitch and intonation; others just for music.
Here is a beautiful video that explores the connection between music and colour. The graphics are by motion graphics designer Esteban Diácono, and the music is “Slowly” by composer Ólafur Arnalds:
Synesthesia lost
Here is how Sir Francis Galton first reported his findings of number-form synesthesia in 1881:
“I must say a word of warning against the too-frequent tendency to assume that the minds of every other sane and healthy person must be like one’s own.
The psychologist should inquire into the minds of others as he should into those of animals of different races, and be prepared to find instances of much to which his own experience can afford little, if any, clue.” (Galton, 1881)
For the non-synesthete (like myself) reading about synesthesia, the experience of synesthesia will probably always remain a mystery, fascinating as it is to try and imagine.
That’s despite the fact that one theory of synesthesia holds that we were once all synesthetes.
While infants, say some scientists, we all experienced synesthesia, but for most of us these strange sensory cross-connections vanished in the normal course of development.
Our synesthetic past is quickly washed away, though, in the normal course of development and perhaps with the help of childhood amnesia.
For a small proportion, though, it’s a normal part of their experience forever.

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Friday, May 16, 2014


In a classroom of a college, a professor of philosophy keeps the ...

" Let me explain that the conflict between science and religion ...
Professor, atheist pause and then asks one of his new students to stand up .
- You are a Christian , are not you, son ?
- Yes, sir, 'the student says.
- So you believe in God ?
- Certainly .
- God is good ?
- Of course, God is good.
- Is God all-powerful ? Can God do anything ?
- Yes , sir.
- Are you good or evil ?  Ask the teacher .
- The Bible says are wrong.
The teacher smiles knowingly. Aha! Bible ! He thinks less.
- Here's a question for you : let's say there are a sick person and you can heal.
You can do this ! Would you like to help ? Did you try ?
- Yes , sir. I would try.
- So , you're good.
- I would say that , Professor.
- But why did you say that? You'd help a sick person if you could . most have
like,  if I could. But God, though maybe he does not ...
The student does not answer , so the professor continues.
- He does not, does it? My brother was a Christian who died of cancer even though he prayed to Jesus to heal him. How is this Jesus good? Can you answer that ?
The student remains silent .
- You cannot answer , is not it ? , Continuing teacher .
He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.
- Let's start again, young man. God is good ?
- Well ... yes, 'the student says .
- Satan is good ?
The student does not hesitate on this question:
- No , Professor.
- Where does Satan come from ?
The student hesitated.
- From God.
- Right, says the professor. God has created Satan, is not it ? Tell me son, is there evil in the world?
- Yes , Professor.
- Evil is everywhere, is not it ? And God created everything in this world, right?
- Yes .
- So who created evil ? If God created everything, then God created evil. Since evil exists , and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil .
Again, the student does not respond.
- Is there sickness ? Immorality? Hate ? Ugliness ? All these terrible things there ?
The student pacing embarrassed.
- Yes , Professor.
- So who created them ?
The student does not answer again , so the professor repeats his question .
- Who created them ?
No answer .
Suddenly , the teacher begins to walk around the class. Students are amazed .
- Tell me, 'he continued . Do you believe in Jesus Christ , son?
Student voice betrays him and cracks up .
- Yes , Professor , I think.
The old man stops pacing .
- Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?
- No, sir. There I saw .
- Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus ?
- No , professor , I do not hear .
- Have you ever felt your Jesus , tasted or smelled him ? Have you ever had any sensory perception of Jesus or God?
- No , Professor, I'm afraid .
- And yet, you believe in him?
- Yes.
- According to the rules of empirical , testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God does not exist. What do you say to that, son ?
- Nothing, responsible student . I only have my faith .
- Yes , faith, 'the professor repeats . That is the problem science has with God . There is no evidence , only faith.
The student remains silent for a moment before he put a question.
- Professor, excuse me , there is heat ?
- Yes, of course there is .
- And there are cold?
- Yes , son , there's cold .
- No, sir , there is .
The professor turns to face the student, obviously interested . Suddenly becomes very quiet .
The student begins to explain .
- Maybe there is more heat , more heat , super - heat, mega - heat, unlimited heat , heat or no heat, but we do not have anything called ' cold ' . We can reach up to 458 degrees below zero which is no heat , but we can not go on. There are cold. If there were, we had temperatures lower than the absolute minimum of - 458 degrees . Every body or object is susceptible to study . If it has or transmits energy , and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy . Absolute zero ( -458 degrees F ) is the total absence of heat. See , Professor , cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat . We can not measure cold. Heat can be measured in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat , sir , just the absence of it .
Class is shrouded in silence. A pen drops somewhere and it sounds like a hammer .
- What about darkness , Professor ? There is darkness? , Continuing student .
- Yes , the professor replies without hesitation. What is night if darkness ?
- Again a wrong answer , Professor. Darkness is not something , it is the absence of something . Can have low light , normal light , bright light , flashing light , but if you have no light constantly , then there is nothing , and that nothing is called darkness, is not it ? This is the meaning we give to the word. In reality , darkness is not . If there were, we could make darkness darker is not it?
The professor begins to smile at the student in front of him . " It will be a good semester . " He thought.
- What are you making, young man ?
- Professor, I mean that your philosophical premises are wrong from the start and so your conclusion must also be flawed .
This time, the teacher can not hide his surprise .
- Wrong ? Asked, astonished. Can you explain how?
- Professor, forgive me , but working on the premise of duality , the student explains ... Hold that there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God . Consider the concept of God as something finite , something we can measure . Sir, science can not even explain a thought . It uses electricity and magnetism , but has never seen or fully understood either one . To view death as the opposite of life is to ignore that death does not exist as a substantive thing . Death is not the opposite of life , just the absence of it . Now tell me , Professor , we teach new students , the theory that we evolved from apes ?
- If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process , young man, yes , of course I do.
- Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes , Professor ?
The professor begins to shake his head , still smiling , as he realizes where the argument is going . " A very good semester , indeed . " He continues the thought .
- Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and can not even prove that it occurs not teach your students what you think. No? Now that you are a scientist but a preacher , professor ? ... Forgive me ...
Class murmured . The student remains silent until the commotion has subsided .
Silent teacher .
- To continue the proof , let me give you an example .
The student looks around his classroom .
- Are there any of you who has ever seen the professor brain ?
Class breaks out into laughter.
The student continues.
- Is there anyone who has heard the brain Professor at the felt , touched or smelt ? Nobody seems to have done that , 'he said turning his eyes around. So according to the rules of empirical , stable, demonstrable protocol , science says that - with all due respect , Professor , and forgive me - you do not have your brain. If science says you have no brain, how can we trust that we teach courses , sir?
Now the room is silent . The professor stares at the student, his face unreadable .
Finally , after what seems an eternity , the old man answers .
- I suppose it will have to do just ...
- That , Professor. So , accept that there is faith, and , in fact , faith exists with life , 'the student continues . Now , sir, does evil exist ?
Uncertain, the professor responds :
- Of course there is . We see daily. Evil is seen daily by man 's inhumanity to his fellow man . Seen in countless murders and violence happening all over the world . These manifestations are nothing else but evil .
To this the student replied:
- Evil does not exist sir, or at least there itself. Evil is simply the absence of God . It's like darkness and cold , a word that man has created to describe the absence of God . God did not create evil . Evil is what happens when man does not love God. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light ...
Slowly, somewhat defeated , the teacher sat ... "

If you read up here and smile when you're done , it means you agree with the student .

PS - The student was Albert Einstein. He wrote a book entitled "God vs. Science " in 1921. The story above is a quote from this book.

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