Monday, June 23, 2014


A mysterious endocrine gland associated with the seventh chakra is the pineal gland, also called the pineal gland. Epiphysis is located exactly in the center of the head. It has the form of a broad cone the size of a pea, weighs only 0.16 ounces and is situated at the gateway of the third and fourth cerebral ventricle, being bathed in cerebrospinal fluid.
The pineal gland has been the subject of considerable speculation since the Greeks and until recent years. In the mid-seventeenth century, Descartes believes that it is the seat of the soul of reason. Modern studies have shed light on the fact that it is to be involved in the body's circadian rhythm by cyclic and intermittent hormone secretion and melatonin. In some reptiles or amphibians, the epiphysis is a third receiver light located under the skin in humans and mammals while it provides information on outdoor light conditions through an existing neural connections in the upper cervical ganglion (in the neck). Of course it is not the only information that circulated.
The recent development of osteopathy CranioSacral established where different physical existence of floating in cerebrospinal fluid, rhythmic movements being created by the cranial vault including the cranial bones muscles and movements. Cranial Osteopaths are trained to feel the rhythmic expansions and contractions exert pressure on the skull and adjust rates if necessary. It is obvious that the pace of physical palpation and palpation of energy can be made very quickly by Osteopaths sufficiently sensitive. Thus, Dr. John Upledger, founder of an institute at Palm Beach in Florida, acting in this respect more than ten years. In France, Jean-Philippe Mathieu in Villeurbanne, Jean-Andre Gaunand Nancy, Jean-Yves Saint-Malo Noel and many others are able to redraw childhood trauma printed in tissue palpation starting from the skull and the energy. Gerard Sueur of Perigord, one of Osteopaths most talented of his generation paved the way to a global vision of man be well above the classical conception of the body. All these trains are literally hundreds of osteopaths in their footsteps.
Epiphysis or pineal gland is located in a vacuum channel, excellent resonance point for creating any vibrations or oscillations. Relationship that it maintains with both gland body rhythms and the cerebrospinal fluid allows us to assume that it could well be a transmitter and a vibration monitor or oscillator inside the body and providing a part of the general pattern of control physiological rhythms, especially the endocrine level.
If these waves act as sound waves or electromagnetic plasma, scaling or other variations rhythmic energy is, all these issues remain open to speculation. Energy resonances inherent shape of the molecule hormones melatonin could still provide some indications Melatonin has a shape and a unique structure for a molecule, totally different from any other hormone in the body. It is related to serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters. By extension we can think that given that adrenaline and anoradrenalina have similar structures and perform analogous roles in the autonomic nervous system and endocrine melatonin (hormone) and serotonin (the neurotransmitter) would express a neutral similarity. It is also likely that the internal resonances of the structure of melatonin can trigger a number of pineal functions of some patterns or oscillations atomic energy where yet undetected until now.
In his excellent work, John Davidson develops the hypothesis that the pineal gland may be a transmitter and receiver energy patterns that govern molecular and physiological rhythms is related to the endocrine system via neural mechanisms undiscovered energy. And because the rhythms, patterns and polarities are essential in any power system, the epiphysis may have a unique function particularly strong.
The presence of a multitude of other hormones within the pineal gland - the gland representative - for all the major endocrine glands and its role in administering body rhythms allow us to assume the event of molecular resonances within the epiphysis. If each molecule is a low harmonic vibration of higher energies, and the hormone is defined as the reflex of a particular energy function, the pineal gland would then resonate with higher energy from the chakras and they would distribute functions Cellular entire endocrine system. The epiphysis could be a channel patterns energetic rhythms are oscillations in matter through the skull in all bodily rhythms.
Of course, these rates can be determined by osteopath trained to perceive them (cranial palpation should not exert more pressure 0 five grams). And other rhythms can occur either electromagnetic, electrical, gravitational or any other form of energy which are not yet familiar. Pathways crossing the central nervous system being under midbrain (meet brain), epiphysis or pineal gland has a perfect position to fulfill the role of "radar" of the subtle energies that inchisteaza in matters to be further distributed in whole endocrine system .
From an energy point of view, it is likely that every endocrine gland to take on the vibration of the chakra and Tattva predominant associated vibration shaped by the various petals and influenced a lesser extent the other energies Tattva.
We include cerebral ventricles. They are partially overlapped arrangement of interconnected tissue filled with cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid which bathes and surrounds the pineal gland pineal gland and brain between the inside wall of the cranial and cerebral cortex. In general it is considered that he has a protective role, nutrition and support; and it would also be a means of removing metabolic waste. In addition, cerebrospinal fluid is similar to blood plasma, only it is less concentrated, with less potassium, calcium ion fewer and fewer proteins. Concentration very high in sodium, chloride and magnesium ions instead existence makes us believe that this fluid is invested with the function of pulse wave vibration bearing, which could well be patterns of energy in the form of neural hormones.
The seventh chakra, chakra mystics can be very good and chakra schizophrenics. Chakra is related to lighting. According to Ronald Laing, father of anti-psychiatry, mystics and schizophrenics are found in the same ocean (cerebrospinal fluid). But where the mystic swims, the schizophrenic is brought current. Mystic is able to retain and discern visions beyond life and enter the blissful state of Samadhi and the union, while schizophrenic do not realize what is happening. He is both here and there. This disorder of the seventh chakra is qualified mystical delirium, and chakra be regulated as endocrine gland to corresponding epiphysis or pineal gland. Perhaps Descartes was not far from the truth when he said in the eighteenth century that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul of reason. However, the rating that you give soul seems exaggerated.

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                                            HAVE A NICE DAY !!!!


  1. The pineal gland...the third eye...has always been of enormous interest to me and as a poet, I find it central to the sort of 'blind reach' I trust, when if there were...another I within...thank you so much for this post...

  2. Mr. Derek Preston...I am proud to read your poignantly written profile of deep love for Romania...perhaps, a minuscule drop of such memory and longing is with me as is very strong and potent and rich for so diminutive a part...perhaps soul would be a better to you...Bruce
